
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Environmental League of Massachusetts records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of minutes, reports, correspondence, financial records, anniversary materials, and publications of the Environmental League of Massachusetts and its predecessor organizations, the Massachusetts Forestry Association, the Massachusetts Forest and Park Association, and the Environmental Lobby of Massachusetts. The organization was founded to help promote policy for the preservation of forest lands in Massachusetts.

Historical Sketch

Incorporated on 3 June 1898, the Massachusetts Forestry Association originally focused on "fostering good forestry practices, creating the state park system, planting shade trees, and combating plant pests and diseases." The association's early efforts included opposition to the commercialization of Mount Greylock and the formation of the office of State Forester, the Division of Forestry in the Massachusetts Department of Conservation, and a number town forests around Massachusetts.

In 1933, the Massachusetts Forestry Association changed its name to the Massachusetts Forest and Park Association (MFPA). The MFPA helped incorporate the New England Forestry Association (NEFA) in 1944. An independent non-profit organization, NEFA sought to provide forestry services to small woodland owners around New England.

The Massachusetts Forest and Park Association was renamed the Environmental Lobby of Massachusetts (ELM) in 1981. ELM lobbying included support of several key environmental protection bills, including the Coastal Wetland and Inland Wetlands Act (1971), the Massachusetts Clean Waters Act (1973), and the nation's first Acid Rain Control Act (1983).

Renamed the Environmental League of Massachusetts in 1993, the organization is still in existence today.


Massachusetts Forest and Park Association: A History. Boston: Massachusetts Forest and Park Association, 1974.

Collection Description

The records of the Environmental League of Massachusetts and its predecessors, spanning the years 1898-2010, are housed in seven record cartons and one oversize carton stored offsite. The collection is divided into three series: administrative records, subject files, and publications.

The first series, administrative records, contains the Massachusetts Forestry Association's certificate of incorporation, minutes of the association's annual meetings, board and executive committee meetings, reports of the New England Forestry Association, financial records, and some correspondence. This series is divided into four subseries: meeting minutes and reports, letterpress book, financial records, and other administrative records.

The second series, subject files, consists almost entirely of records relating to the association's conferences on Dutch Elm Disease. The series also contains a few folders of other conference materials, speeches on town forests by Harris Reynolds, labels from an exhibit to celebrate the organization's centennial, and five digitized episodes of the television program Environmental League Forum. This series is arranged alphabetically by subject.

The third series, publications, contains newsletters, bulletins, and other printed material produced by and about the Environmental League of Massachusetts and its predecessor organizations. This series is divided into four subseries: bulletins and circulars, newsletters, other printed material, and clippings.

NOTE: The date ranges listed in the Detailed Description of the Collection below may include gaps. Folders may not contain records for every month or year within a given date range.

Restrictions on Access

The Environmental League of Massachusetts records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Acquisition Information

The Environmental League of Massachusetts records were given to the Massachusetts Historical Society by the ELM in 2001.

Detailed Description of the Collection

NOTE: The date ranges listed below may include gaps. Folders may not contain records for every month or year within a given date range.

I. Administrative records, 1898-1989

A. Meeting minutes and reports, 1898-1989

This subseries contains the organization's certificate of incorporation, agreement of association, amended by-laws, and materials documenting the 1933 name change. Also included are minutes from annual meetings, board of directors and executive committee meetings, and reports from the New England Forestry Association (NEFA).

Minutes include lists of meeting attendees, agendas, resolutions, financial updates, and information about new members. NEFA annual reports include letters to members, updates on the foundation's finances and current projects. Later NEFA reports include lists of members, officers, and directors.

Carton 1SH 12TL CFolder 1

Original certificate of incorporation, 1898

Carton 1SH 12TL CFolder 2

Agreement of association, first meeting, by-laws, name change, 1898-1959

Carton 1SH 12TL CFolder 3-12

Annual meetings, 1898-1984

Carton 1SH 12TL CFolder 13-21

Board of directors meetings, 1981-1987

Carton 1SH 12TL CFolder 22-37

Executive committee minutes, 1928-1956

Carton 1SH 12TL C

Executive committee minutes, volume 1, 7 January 1898-10 October 1906

Also includes preliminary meetings.

Carton 1SH 12TL C

Executive committee minutes, volume 2, 14 November 1906-29 March 1907

Carton 1SH 12TL C

Executive committee minutes, volume 3, 27 April 1917-23 December 1927

Carton 2SH 1B67Folder 1-20

Executive committee minutes, 1957-1989

Carton 2SH 1B67Folder 21

New England Forestry Association reports, 1950-1956

Carton 2SH 1B67

Registers, 1898-1911; reports, 1913-1925

2 volumes.

B. Letterpress book, 1898-1899

One volume of outgoing letters from the Massachusetts Forestry Association's secretary's office.

Carton 2SH 1B67

C. Financial records, 1907-1987

Ten volumes of ledgers and account books document the ELM's expenditures and income from membership dues and trust fund interest. This subseries also includes other related material, including leases and certificates of registration as a tax-exempt organization.

OS Carton 1SH 17CH $

Account book, records of the trust of the Permanent Fund, 1907-January 1950

OS Carton 1SH 17CH $

Account book, November 1925-June 1935

OS Carton 1SH 17CH $

Account book, April 1930-June 1935

OS Carton 1SH 17CH $

Account book, January 1943-December 1948

OS Carton 1SH 17CH $

Account book, January 1949-December 1955

Carton 7SH 1B68

Account book, March 1964-February 1967

Carton 7SH 1B68

Account book, February 1967-February 1969

Carton 7SH 1B68

Account book, February 1969-April 1970

Carton 7SH 1B68

Account book, June 1970-March 1972

Carton 7SH 1B68

Account book, March 1972-September 1973

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 1

ELM Education Fund financial, 1982-1986

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 2

Financial miscellany, 1959-1987

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 3

Record of C. A. Fox Fund, now in hands of trustees of the Permanent Fund, 1 April 1954

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 4

Tax exemption documents, 1921-1939, 1959

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 5

Leases, 1959-1976

D. Other administrative records, 1992-1998

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 6-7

Environmental lobby mailing, April 1992

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 8-9

Miscellany, 1947-1996

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 10

Old appeals, 1996-1998

II. Subject files, 1913-2010Digital Content

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

The bulk of this series contains records relating to the organization's annual conference on Dutch Elm Disease (DED), including meeting announcements and published proceedings, as well as other reports, surveys, and correspondence relating to DED. The series also includes materials relating to an exhibit of ELM records to celebrate the organization's centennial, speeches by Harris Reynolds and articles about town forests, the MFPA's 75th anniversary event guest book, and a history of ELM with biographical sketches of the founders.

Also included in this series are five episodes of ELM's call-in show Environmental League Forum, filmed in 1994, in which various hosts and guests discuss environmental issues and public policy. The show aired on the Answer Channel in Boston.

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 11-42

Dutch Elm Disease conferences, 1947-1977

Carton 3SH 12TN EFolder 43

[Dutch Elm Disease] conference report: Dutch Elm Disease, Elm Phloem Necrosis, Oak Wilt, New York City, 4-5 February 1954

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 1-4

Dutch Elm Disease correspondence, 1940-1970

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 5

[Dutch Elm Disease] Gates Elm Fund, 1953-1955

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 6

[Dutch Elm Disease] letters on Trelife and Dr. [Howard D.] Salins, 1957-1958

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 7

[Dutch Elm Disease] Massachusetts Advisory Committee on Dutch Elm Disease, 1946-1947

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 8-10

[Dutch Elm Disease] Massachusetts and New England Dutch Elm Diseases, 1934-1938

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 11

[Dutch Elm Disease] Massachusetts Committee on Dutch Elm Disease annual reports, 1941-1954

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 12-20

[Dutch Elm Disease] miscellaneous reports and leaflets, 1933-1978

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 21

[Dutch Elm Disease] national conference, 1936-1943

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 22-26

[Dutch Elm Disease] release and form letters, 1935-1966

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 27

Dutch Elm Disease speeches, 1935-1946

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 28

[Dutch Elm Disease] spraying programs with DDT, 1955-1959

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 29

Dutch Elm Disease survey, 1948

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 30

[Dutch Elm Disease] Tristate, Northeastern Dutch Elm Disease committees, 1942

Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 31

[Dutch Elm Disease] United States Department of Agriculture proceedings, 5 December 1934

Environmental League Forum, 29 March 1994

VHS, running time: 23:46 min.

Environmental League Forum: Boston Harbor, 22 March 1994

VHS, running time: 25:03 min.

Environmental League Forum: Department of Environmental Protection, 5 April 1994

VHS, running time: 23:22 min.

Environmental League Forum: Matt Wilson, 14 June 1994

VHS, running time: 25:16 min.

Environmental League Forum: Open Space Bond Bill, 15 March 1994

VHS, running time: 20:51 min.
Carton 4SH 12TP GFolder 32-34

Environmental League of Massachusetts exhibit, 1998

Carton 5SH 1B66

Massachusetts Forest and Park Association 75th anniversary, 4 October 1973

Carton 5SH 1B66Folder 1

Town forests, 1931, 1960-1966

Carton 5SH 1B66Folder 2-7

Articles [speeches, etc.] on town forests by Harris Reynolds, 1913-1945

Carton 5SH 1B66Folder 8

"The 1890s and the Founding of ELM," 2010

III. Publications, 1902-1998

A. Bulletins and circulars, 1911-1986

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains eight volumes of semi-technical bulletins and circulars that address an array of forestry issues, including pest control, forest fires, and shade trees. Volumes also contain brochures, guides, annual reports, and flyers. This subseries also contains unbound and legislative bulletins.

Carton 5SH 1B66

Miscellaneous bulletins, circulars, etc., 1911-1935

6 volumes.
Carton 6SH 12TR I

Miscellaneous bulletins, circulars, etc., 1936-1940

2 volumes.
Carton 6SH 12TR IFolder 1-3

Miscellaneous bulletins, circulars, etc., 1941-1962

Carton 6SH 12TR IFolder 4-8

Conservation Legislative Bulletin, 1968-1982

Carton 6SH 12TR IFolder 9

Environmental Legislative Bulletin, 1982

Carton 6SH 12TR IFolder 10

Legislative Bulletin, 1976, 1985-1996

B. Newsletters, 1902-1984

Arranged alphabetically by title.

This subseries contains newsletters published by ELM and its predecessor organizations, including articles on the organization's activities and other items of environmental concern.

Carton 6SH 12TR IFolder 11-13

ELM Newsletter, 1981-1984

Carton 6SH 12TR I

Forest and Park News, 1937-1956

1 volume.
Carton 6SH 12TR IFolder 14-27

Forest and Park News, 1944-1980

Carton 6SH 12TR I

Woodland & Roadside, 1902-1910

2 volumes.

C. Other printed material, 1942-1998

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains printed material created by ELM and its predecessor organizations, including books, brochures, issue papers, and other publications.

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 1-2

Membership brochures, 1942-1989

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 3

The American Elm, undated

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 4

Conservation Education Program at Camp Child, Old Colony Council, Boy Scouts of America, by Alfred M. Williams, Jr., undated

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 5

Forestry and Conservation Study Outline for Agricultural Teachers of Massachusetts, undated

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 6

The Forestry Primer, 1906-1926, 1926

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 7

The First Fifty Years of the Massachusetts Forest and Park Association, prepared by W. H. Clark, 1948

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 8

The First Fifty Years of the Massachusetts Forest and Park Association, additions to 1960

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 9

Fifty Years a Forester, by Harold O. Cook, 1961

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 10

Massachusetts Forest and Park Association: A History, 1898-1973, by Richard M. Applegate, 1974

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 11

New England Forestry Foundation: A History, by Richard M. Applegate, 1975

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 12

The Inside Track: The Behind-the-Scenes Story of the Massachusetts Environmental Budget Process, by Debra R. Sanderson, January 1986

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 13

Land: Financing of Open Space, by Edith M. Netter and Daniel J. Barry, November 1988

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 14

Land: Guiding Development, by Alexandra D. Dawson, November 1988

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 15

Land and Housing Banks, November 1988

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 16

Halfway to… Where? A Report on the Implementation of the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act, by James Gomes, May 1994

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 17

The Carcinogens Around Us: Chemical Use in Massachusetts, 1990-1992, by Elizabeth Sturcken, August 1994

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 18

Commonwealth at Risk: Toxic Chemical Use in Massachusetts, 1992-1994, by James R. Gomes and Deborah L. Adler, May 1996

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 19

Enforcement Trends at the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, 1989-1996, by Donna Tesiero and James R. Gomes, May 1996

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 20

The Green Budget, 12 March 1998

D. Clippings, 1898-1988

Carton 7SH 1B68

Scrapbook, January 1898-November 1902

Carton 7SH 1B68

Scrapbook, October 1904-November 1906

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 21

Items found loose in scrapbook, January 1898-1902

Carton 7SH 1B68Folder 22-26

Clippings, 1908, 1981-1988, undated

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Environmental League of Massachusetts photographs, 1943-1990 (Photo. Coll. 198).

Pins have been removed from this collection and are stored onsite in the MHS Numismatic Collection.

For a list of printed materials removed from this collection, see Curator of Manuscripts.

Preferred Citation

Environmental League of Massachusetts records, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Environmental Lobby of Massachusetts (Boston, Mass.).
Massachusetts Forest and Park Association (Boston, Mass.).
Massachusetts Forestry Association.


Associations, institutions, etc.--Massachusetts--Boston.
Environmental agencies.
Environmental policy--Massachusetts.
Environmental protection--Massachusetts.